Update a method specification

# S3 method for lcMethod
update(object, ..., .eval = FALSE, .remove = character(), envir = NULL)



The lcMethod object.


The new or updated method argument values.


Whether to assign the evaluated argument values to the method. By default (FALSE), the argument expression is preserved.


Names of arguments that should be removed.


The environment in which to evaluate the arguments. If NULL, the environment associated with the object is used. If not available, the parent.frame() is used.


The new lcMethod object with the additional or updated arguments.


Updates or adds arguments to a lcMethod object. The inputs are evaluated in order to determine the presence of formula objects, which are updated accordingly.


method <- lcMethodLMKM(Y ~ 1, nClusters = 2)
method2 <- update(method, formula = ~ . + Time)

method3 <- update(method2, nClusters = 3)

k <- 2
method4 <- update(method, nClusters = k) # nClusters: k

method5 <- update(method, nClusters = k, .eval = TRUE) # nClusters: 2