The package supports a variety of metrics that help to evaluate and compare estimated models.

Users can implement new metrics through defineInternalMetric() and defineExternalMetric(). Custom-defined metrics are accessible using the same by-name mechanism as the other metrics.

Supported internal metrics

Metric nameDescriptionFunction / Reference
AICAkaike information criterion. A goodness-of-fit estimator that adjusts for model complexity (i.e., the number of parameters). Only available for models that support the computation of the model log-likelihood through logLik.stats::AIC(), (Akaike 1974)
APPA.meanMean of the average posterior probability of assignment (APPA) across clusters. A measure of the precision of the trajectory classifications. A score of 1 indicates perfect classification.APPA(), (Nagin 2005)
APPA.minLowest APPA among the clustersAPPA(), (Nagin 2005)
ASWAverage silhouette width based on the Euclidean distance(Rousseeuw 1987)
BICBayesian information criterion. A goodness-of-fit estimator that corrects for the degrees of freedom (i.e., the number of parameters) and sample size. Only available for models that support the computation of the model log-likelihood through logLik.stats::BIC(), (Schwarz 1978)
CAICConsistent Akaike information criterion(Bozdogan 1987)
CLCClassification likelihood criterion(McLachlan and Peel 2000)
convergedWhether the model converged during estimationconverged()
devianceThe model deviancestats::deviance()
DunnThe Dunn index(Dunn 1974)
entropyEntropy of the posterior probabilities
estimationTimeThe time needed for fitting the modelestimationTime()
EDEuclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories
ED.fitEuclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned fitted trajectories
ICL.BICIntegrated classification likelihood (ICL) approximated using the BIC(Biernacki et al. 2000)
logLikModel log-likelihoodstats::logLik()
MAEMean absolute error of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories
MahalanobisMahalanobis distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories(Mahalanobis 1936)
MSEMean squared error of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories
relativeEntropy, REA measure of the precision of the trajectory classification. A value of 1 indicates perfect classification, whereas a value of 0 indicates a non-informative uniform classification. It is the normalized version of entropy, scaled between [0, 1].(Ramaswamy et al. 1993) , (Muthén 2004)
RMSERoot mean squared error of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories
RSSResidual sum of squares under most likely cluster allocation
scaledEntropySee relativeEntropy
sigmaThe residual standard deviationstats::sigma()
ssBICSample-size adjusted BIC(Sclove 1987)
SEDStandardized Euclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories
SED.fitThe cluster-weighted standardized Euclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned fitted trajectories
WMAEMAE weighted by cluster-assignment probability
WMSEMSE weighted by cluster-assignment probability
WRMSERMSE weighted by cluster-assignment probability
WRSSRSS weighted by cluster-assignment probability

Supported external metrics

Metric nameDescriptionFunction / Reference
adjustedRandAdjusted Rand index. Based on the Rand index, but adjusted for agreements occurring by chance. A score of 1 indicates a perfect agreement, whereas a score of 0 indicates an agreement no better than chance.mclustcomp::mclustcomp(), (Hubert and Arabie 1985)
CohensKappaCohen's kappa. A partitioning agreement metric correcting for random chance. A score of 1 indicates a perfect agreement, whereas a score of 0 indicates an agreement no better than chance.psych::cohen.kappa(), (Cohen 1960)
F1F1-score, also referred to as the Sørensen–Dice Coefficient, or Dice similarity coefficientmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
FolkesMallowsFowlkes-Mallows indexmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
HubertHubert indexclusterCrit::extCriteria()
JaccardJaccard indexmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
jointEntropyJoint entropy between model assignmentsmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
KulczynskiKulczynski indexclusterCrit::extCriteria()
MaximumMatchMaximum match measuremclustcomp::mclustcomp()
McNemarMcNemar statisticclusterCrit::extCriteria()
MeilaHeckermanMeila-Heckerman measuremclustcomp::mclustcomp()
MirkinMirkin metricmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
MIMutual informationmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
NMINormalized mutual informationigraph::compare()
NSJNormalized version of splitJoin. The proportion of edits relative to the maximum changes (twice the number of ids)
NVINormalized variation of informationmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
OverlapOverlap coefficient, also referred to as the Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficientmclustcomp::mclustcomp() (M K and K 2016)
PDPartition differencemclustcomp::mclustcomp()
PhiPhi coefficient.clusterCrit::extCriteria()
RandRand indexmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
RogersTanimotoRogers-Tanimoto dissimilarityclusterCrit::extCriteria()
RusselRaoRussell-Rao dissimilarityclusterCrit::extCriteria()
SMCSimple matching coefficientmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
splitJointotal split-join indexigraph::split_join_distance()
splitJoin.refSplit-join index of the first model to the second model. In other words, it is the edit-distance between the two partitionings.
SokalSneath1Type-1 Sokal-Sneath dissimilarityclusterCrit::extCriteria()
SokalSneath2Type-2 Sokal-Sneath dissimilarityclusterCrit::extCriteria()
VIVariation of informationmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Wallace1Type-1 Wallace criterionmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Wallace2Type-2 Wallace criterionmclustcomp::mclustcomp()
WMSSEWeighted minimum sum of squared errors between cluster trajectories
WMMSEWeighted minimum mean of squared errors between cluster trajectories
WMMAEWeighted minimum mean of absolute errors between cluster trajectories